Our Work
OneSky has UTM software
deployed globally

See why some of the world’s most advanced aerospace organizations are turning to OneSky with their advanced air mobility challenges

Federal Aviation Administration
OneSky is an FAA partner on the Remote ID Cohort. Remote Identification (RID) is the next critical step towards BVLOS operations. OneSky began working on Remote ID in 2017 and assisted the FAA in the development of initial RID CONOPs as a product from the Aviation Rulemaking Committee. We helped educate the global UAS community by briefing the concepts of RID to ICAO in Montreal. In early 2020, FAA selected a cohort of 8 industry leaders (Airbus, Airmap, Amazon, Intel, OneSky, Verizon Skyward, T-Mobile, Wing) to deploy the RemoteID technical solution.
OneSky was also selected to participate in the most recent UTM Pilot Program (UPP2), a partnership designed to develop and demonstrate enterprise services that will support UTM operations. The UPP2 trials were operated by NUAIR, and tested UTM standards for flight plan deconfliction and RID. Results from the UPP2 will help enable deployment of Remote ID services – and ultimately, lead to enabling unmanned operations beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS). Read our UPP2 takeaways blog, here.

UAS Test Ranges Program
OneSky is working with FAA UAS Test Sites across the country to demonstrate the capabilities of their UTM solution and enable testing of advanced drone operations. In 2019, OneSky completed the first live flight tests with multi-USS collaboration in Corpus Christi, Texas under contract with Lone Star via NASA's TCL4 program. OneSky connected to the UTM network and fused all information from USS and uncooperative radar sensors to deliver an accurate air picture to support the fight test.

Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
OneSky, in consortium with Nova Systems, is working with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and the Ministry of Transport to develop technological capabilities in UTM to enable drone package delivery in urban environments. OneSky is configuring and implementing their UTM system for Singapore, and engaging in trials to demonstrate the safe implementation of wide scale BVLOS, multi-UAS and multi-site drone delivery. OneSky is also demonstrating capabilities in areas like modeling and analysis of network coverage and other communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS) principles for route design.

National Aeronautics &
Space Administration (GC)
OneSky is a partner in NASA’s Urban Air Mobility (UAM) National Campaign. The National Campaign (NC) series brings vehicle and airspace service providers like OneSky together to understand the requirements of UAM, and to promote a positive public perception of UAM safety. Partners participate in airspace and simulation demonstrations in a wide variety of operational scenarios: OneSky is testing UAM traffic management services in NASA-designed airspace simulations, validating that the OneSky platform can contribute to the safe implementation of UAM with existing ATM infrastructure and airspace.

OneSky is a member of SUSI, which stands for “Swiss U-Space Implementation.” SUSI is a Public-Private Partnership between the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA), the Swiss Air Navigation Provider skyguide and leading industry players from all aspects of the UTM ecosystem, including U-Space Service Providers, Supplemental Data Service Providers, Drone manufacturers, and public and private stakeholders. The goal of SUSI is to help inform the development of a flexible and future-proof regulatory framework for a national U-Space in Switzerland. OneSky is providing a Network Remote Identification (NET-RID) Service Provider (SP) as part of the SUSI NET-RID national rollout.

Air Services Australia
In 2019, Airservices commissioned OneSky and AAM Pty Ltd to undertake a review of existing aeronautical data sets and to investigate migration to a new UTM-focused aeronautical information management system. The review involved a detailed examination of a range of existing Airservices aeronautical information data sets to assess their suitability for Low Level Airspace users. Considerations included applicability and relevance, issues with data completeness, accuracy, attribution, metadata and data formats. The review then considered a range of ‘non-Airservices’ data sets that may be suitable, and in some cases critical, for future Low-Level Airspace users. These data sets cover (time) dynamic data sets such as fire, weather, and emergency services; Static data sets such as terrestrial and marine protected areas, critical infrastructure, and obstacles; and Geospatial base layers including digital elevation and surface models, buildings, and other foundational spatial data layers.