UAM airspace is complex - let OneSky help you make sense of it all.
We provide high-fidelity analysis to address challenges like CONOPs development, mission design, system testing, flight analysis, and ultimately enabling advanced operations.
OneSky is working with OEMs and operators to enable safe access to the airspace and to harmonize the sky. OneSky provides industry-leading dynamic analytics for the commercial and civil Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) markets.
More specifically, our simulation tools allow for design and testing of the complex concepts and systems involved in operations. From planning performance driven flight routes, considering satellite systems, modeling radars or even understanding the effects of terrain and urban environments on communications systems, OneSky brings proven systems modeling expertise.

UAM is here for the long run. That’s why we ensure a collaborative approach to advancing our customers along their entire UTM and UAM journey. We can support you every step of the way—providing high-fidelity analysis to address challenges like CONOPs development, mission design, system testing, flight analysis—and ultimately enabling advanced operations.

Phase 1
Design & Validate
Create & Design CONOPS
Understand Operating Environment
Model Platform and Payload
Design Airspace
Structure & Routes -
Analyze Supporting Infrastructure
Build a community acceptance story
Validate & Optimize Operations
Optimize Mission Performance
Simulate Traffic Volumes and Flows
Demand & Capacity Balancing
Perform Trade Studies
Develop High Fidelity Analytics
Analyze effects of buildings & terrain on comms systems
Analyze the quality of your navigation solutions
Analyze the quality of ground based surveillance
Predict communications link quality along your route

Phase 2
Test & Certify
Physics-based 4D Simulation
Accurate Digital Twin Simulations
Evaluate System of Systems Performance
Software & Hardware-in-the-loop Simulations
Test Flight
Equipment Location Optimization
Telemetry System Modeling
Flight Route Design
Collection Assurance
Post Flight Reconstruction
Post Flight Data Visualization
Case-Specific Results
Equipment & Flight Platform Metrics
Quick-Look Analytics Across Captured Data Sets

Phase 3
Flight Planning Phase
Planning & Dynamic Scheduling
Discovery & Synchronization of Networked Operations & Constraints
Safety of Flight Analysis
Airspace Authorization & Approval
Real-time Operations
Situational Awareness
Real-time tracking & Decision Support
Notification & Alerting Service
Conformance Monitoring
Post-flight Analysis
Safety & Compliance
Digital Logbook
Performance Analysis
Our validated aerospace software supports your project’s lifecycle through platform modeling, payload modeling and geospatial integration to conduct studies and simulations that drive your business plan. With an ever-increasing collection of analytical tools and capabilities, OneSky provides advanced analysis to meet the needs of the most demanding engineering challenges across multi-domain markets.