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Proven Analytics Advancing the Future of Flight

Increase UAS operational excellence and improve safety of flight by empowering your team with out-of-the-box, high-fidelity analytics

Today’s airspace challenges are only getting more stringent and complex. Ensuring you are up to the task requires a leg up in the industry - let us help you gain that competitive advantage.

As a spin out of Analytical Graphics Inc (AGI), OneSky has more than 30 year’s experience in solving aerospace problems. Our aerospace engineers and data scientists working together with software and systems engineers proved to be a highly effective combination for problem solving and repeatability.

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This resulted in proven tool sets for both the air and space domain, encompassing communications, navigation, and surveillance technologies, among many others.  Understanding our customer’s CONOPs and workflows allows us to automate solutions for platform design, flight planning and post-mission analysis.


Put our analytics to work 

  • Instant, out-of-the-box analysis capability

  • Highly customizable for your business needs and changing requirements and standards

  • Create new enterprise applications or enhance existing ones

  • 30+ years of small and medium-sized enterprises behind your analysis

  • Can be easily deployed with OneSky UTM and Operations Center

  • Can interface with external data sources

How to get started with our analytics

Direct access through our Analytical APIs

Access through our UTM product

Through our customized airspace solutions

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APIs For Air Navigation Service Providers

  • Operational Risk Assessment (ORA)

  • GNSS coverage and performance

  • Urban geometry analysis (az/el masks, line-of-sight obstruction)

  • UAM/UAS scheduling (fairness and capacity balance service)

  • Weather

  • Infrastructure

  • Scheduling

For Air Navigation Service Providers
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APIs For Drone Operators

  • Airspace analytics

  • Communications analytics

  • Lighting

  • Navigation

  • Population

  • Routing

  • Terrain

  • Visualization

  • Weather

  • New risk analytics

For Drone Operators
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APIs For Urban Air Mobility

  • Performance-based route propagation

  • GNSS performance along route / at UAM Aerodrome

  • UAM scheduling (fairness and capacity balance service)

  • Hi-fidelity GPS 

  • LTE coverage

  • Urban city building data

  • Real-time analytics 

  • Real-time operational risk assessments

  • Performance-base routes (fuel, weather, comm, regs, other constraints)

  • Hi Fidelity platform body masking for sensors or payloads

  • Sensor fields of view, coverage (Field of Regard)

  • Scheduling

  • Hi Fidelity data models, building models, terrain

  • Compliance

For Urban Air Mobility

Want a deeper dive into our Analytics offerings?

Quantitative Analytics for BVLOS Operational Risk Assessments

In May 2021, Ted Driver, Matt Petry, and Garrett McKelvey presented new research on quantifying Operational Risk Assessments (ORAs). ORAs are a necessary part of gaining approval to fly drones Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS). Currently, ORAs take a lot of time and can be a complicated task.


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Research Paper


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Understanding GPS in Contested Environments

In April 2020, Ted Driver presented a talk on understanding GPS in contested environments. Topics included the following: understanding GPS position error, dilution of precision and user range errors, physical and radio visibility, terrain heights and field results, and more.


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Research Paper


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